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Want to take your Penelope dashboards to the next level?

Penelope, a case management tool used globally by social service and not-for-profit organisations, is great for case management but not so great for reporting.
Fortunately, DataSpark knows Penelope like the back of our hand!

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Automation in Data Analysis: An illustration showcasing a robotic arm interacting with data charts on a computer screen, symbolizing the integration of automation and machine learning in data analytics, with additional icons for statistics, magnifying glass, user profile, and document checklist, representing the various aspects of data processing and management by DataSpark.

Automated annual and compliance reporting

Consolidate data across case management, finance, and payroll systems into easy-to-use, automated dashboards. Never miss a reporting deadline again!

Interactive Data Visualization: A man pointing at a floating interface with dynamic data charts and network structures, depicting real-time data interaction and analysis for informed decision-making, suitable for illustrating the advanced analytics services provided by DataSpark.

Funder & Customer-facing dashboards

Wasting time on compiling reports manually? We can create reports that your funders and customers can access on-demand.


Expertise and Experience

DataSpark works with multiple Penelope-based organisations around Australia. We know what you're dealing with.

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